Agriculture Study Update 2014

RVLWV members met March 27 2014 to discuss the Agriculture Update. This was the second discussion meeting.  The discussion group elected to begin consideration of the Agriculture Consensus Questions   at the March 27 meeting. The discussion results are being recorded for review by the membership.  Consensus was not reached on many of the questions.  Members are urged to review the results of the meeting and add comments or refute findings.

Second Agriculture study session was held March 27 at 1:30pm

The national LWV will be completing the Agriculture Update this Spring with the consensus questions due  April 18.  The consensus questions were supplied to the members Voters Voice newsletter.  Keep in mind that we will probably not reach consensus on all these questions. However, those questions which refer to items we have discussed (e.g. funding for extension research, antibiotics in livestock, GMO use in weather- intolerant fruit trees) can serve as our focus.
We will be looking primarily at the third resource paper, “New Agricultural Technologies and Management Techniques”.

Agriculture Update Study Sessions– Feb 21 2014

The Rogue Valley LWV is preparing for the April consensus questions regarding the Agriculture Update organized by the national League.  The study materials, which are quite lengthy, can be accessed on-line at the LWV US site under “Our Work”and “Projects”.  Thanks to the Maryland LWV, we have a condensed form of the study materials that is printable. I have copies to share and will mail them to anyone who requests a copy. I can also provide copies of sections of the official study materials upon request.

We are met Friday, February 21 at the new Jackson Soil and Water Conservation District office at 89 Alder St. in Central Point.  We  discused the two sections of the study entitled “Sustainable Agriculture and a Safe Food Supply” and “Economic Health of the Agriculture Sector“.  The third resource paper will be discussed in March, time TBA.

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