LWV Rogue Valley October 2013 General Meeting
The public is invited.
Thursday October 10, 2013 6:30 – 8pm.
Fact Finding forum: Antibiotic Use in Livestock and the Development of Antibiotic Resistance in Humans.
For your reference is a four-part series on the struggle over the use of antibiotics in the livestock industry, the threat of antibiotic-resistant pathogens and the veterinary profession’s role in safeguarding animal and public health. The 4 part series was written in May 26, 2011
By: Jim Downing For The VIN News Service. Pt1AnitbioticsInLivestock, Pt2Food-AnimalAntibioticConsumption, Pt3AntibioticsPrecautionVsProof, Pt4AntibioticsDataFromDenmark.
This winery and farm stand will have glasses of wine at a no-host bar.
Location Dunbar Farms – 2881 Hillcrest Rd in east Medford
541-326-1666 , dunbarfarms@charter.net
Farm Stand Directions:
At the intersection of North Phoenix and Hillcrest, toward downtown. From Hillcrest, turn into the 3rd driveway on your right, with a few brown signs proclaiming Dunbar Farms and Rocky Knoll and the address 2881 Hillcrest Rd.
Go up the gravel driveway to the first structure, parking on the right.
What goes around comes around. the grandson of the local league founder is the operator of Dunbar Farms. Winifred Carpenter was our first League president, 1939-1942.