Apr 14 2016 – Candidate Forum


was on APRIL  14, 2016    Noon
Medford  City Hall,   411 W.  8th  St.  Medford
3rd Floor,    The Medford City Council  Chambers

Click here for the video of the full one hour Candidate Forum

The candidates for this position are incumbent  Doug Breidenthal,
Gordon Challistrom, Bob Strosser and Jeff Thomas.

Geoffrey Riley, from Jefferson Radio, will be the moderator.

Our League  formulated questions for the candidates
and written take written questions at the forum.

Thanks to the cooperation from  RVTV television, you can view the entire question and answer. This video is a great chance share with a  neighbor or friend.  Many voters do not know much about these candidates and this is a great opportunity to evaluate them.  Plus our League guidelines require us to be fair and impartial..

.See the story in the Medford Mail Tribune.

See you there,  Normary  Barrett, Voter Service.
Time Keeper Vana Sloan

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