2016 General Nov 8

Rogue Valley League sponsored 2 Forums in partnership with the Medford Mail Tribune.

Oregon Senate between

Senate Oregon Tonia Moro, and Alen DeBoer

Senate Oregon Tonia Moro, and Alen DeBoer

Tonia Moro, and Alan Debor.  link for a video

Link here to results 

Ballot Measure 97, forum was held on Sept 8 2016, and a video can be viewed here.  The state of Oregon League advocated for  ballot Measure 97.  See the endorsement video here,

At the League of Women Voters of Oregon, our mission is to carefully study the issues and educate voters in a non-partisan way. Our state Action team, followed the development of this ballot measure, and after consensus believe Measure 97 is the best way to solve the investment in Oregon. After years of delay regarding funding.

Measure 97 increases the minimum tax only on large corporations — those with more than $25 million in annual Oregon sales — and dedicates funding to education, healthcare, and senior services.

Seven ballot measures had been certified for the 2016 ballot in the state of Oregon as of August 8, 2016. LWV Oregon -Ballot Measure Review

Ballot Measure 94 judicial-retirement-amendment (PDF) would repeal the mandatory judicial retirement age, which is currently 75 years old.

Ballot Measure-95-public-state-universities-to-invest-in-equities (pdf) would allow public state universities to invest in equities.

Ballot Measure-96-lottery-funds-for-veterans (pdf) would devote 1.5 percent of state lottery net proceeds toward veterans’ services.

Ballot Measure-97-Oregon-corporate-tax-increase (pdf) would raise corporate income taxes on businesses with annual incomes that exceed $25 million.

Ballot Measure-98-Oregonians-for-high-school-success (pdf) would require state funding for dropout-prevention and career and college readiness programs in Oregon high schools.

Ballot Measure-99-Creates-Outdoor-School-Education-Fund (pdf) would create an “Outdoor School Education Fund,” sourced from state lottery proceeds, to support outdoor school programs.

Ballot Measure-100-Prohibits-Purchase-or-Sale-of-Parts-of-Wildlife (pdf) would prohibit the sale of products from and parts of 12 species of endangered animals.

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