Ballot Measures – Reference Bllotpedia a non partisan information.
Type |
Title |
Subject |
Description |
LRCA | Measure 102 | Housing | Allows cities and counties to use bonds to fund privately owned affordable housing. |
CICA | Measure 103 | Taxes | In Oregon, groceries are not subject to a statewide sales tax. Measure 103 would prevent the enactment or increase of any state or local tax, fee, or assessment on the sale of ‘groceries’ including restaurants. This is a state wide measure and would limit local control. |
CICA | Measure 104 | Budget | Oregon Legislature already requirement a 3/5ths vote for “raising revenue”. Measure 104 would add; any fees, tax credits or deductions. Measure would amended the Oregon Constitution. |
CISS | Measure 105 | Immigration | Repeals law forbidding state or local resources from being used to to enforce Federal Laws. Specificity federal immigration laws. |
CICA | Measure 106 | Abortion | Prohibits public funds from being spent on abortions. Measure would amend the Oregon Constitution. |