Consensus – for Cybersecurity & Privacy Today- Study LWVOR

August 12 2020 

Cybersecurity Study Consensus Meetings using zoom

August 17 Monday at 4pm

August 18 Tuesday at 10am

All LWVRV members will be invited via Zoom to share in these consensus meetings. Thanks to Sheila McGinnis and Mary Sinclair for facilitating and reporting our responses during this LWVOR State Study. You should be receiving a Zoom invitation in your email from LWVRV to reserve a place at one of the consensus meetings.

The consensus questions and study summary begin on page 3 of the August Newletter. Please review the study materials on the LWV Oregon website at http:// Cybersecurity-and-Privacy-Today-for-Web-3-19- 2020.pdf  You may want to print the pages of the consensus questions to follow along at the Zoom meeting.

LWVOR President Becky Gladstone also shared this 55 minute webinar on the subject from this summer: v=GtqXGgW5M0A& [ Copy and paste into your browser]

March 12 2020

Background literature in preparation for discussion and review the consensus questions. By the Rogue Valley League March 12 2020 at the OEA Building, 11:30 am to 1:30 pm
2495 S. Pacific Hwy, Medford, Oregon.

2019 – Cybersecurity Study

Amid compelling daily ongoing developments, this study addresses:

  • Privacy, cybersecurity, and election security
  • Privacy and cybersecurity protocols now in effect
  • Current legislation: privacy, cyber, and security, and election security
  • “Cyber hygiene”, or privacy and transparency protection, a glossary, and other resources are included in appendices.

The need for this study arose from the League of Women Voters of Oregon’s lack of a position to support Oregon’s identity theft bill, HB 1551, addressing the 2017 Equifax data breach. Policymakers debate existing legislation—a fragmented regulatory framework which fails to provide comprehensive cybersecurity—in an effort to balance personal information privacy with accountability, transparency (information disclosure), and responsible oversight (Craig, Shackelford, & Hiller, 2015). Individuals have limited recourse to protect their personal privacy (Bamberger & Mulligan, 2013). Stakeholders must thoroughly consider regulatory actions to avoid unintended consequences (Messer, 2019) and try to future-proof laws in anticipation of the inevitable technological changes ahead (Kerry, 2018).

NEW! Privacy and Cybersecurity Today – Full Study (PDF)
20200518FINAL-Consunsus-Worksheet (PDF)
Privacy and Cybersecurity Reading and Resources Study Materials (PDF)
Privacy and Cybersecurity Glossary (Cybersecurity) (PDF)
Privacy and Cybersecurity Appendix D: Personal Privacy Practices (PDF)

Thanks to Mary Sinclair and Jess Daly for our program on Cybersecurity and Privacy March 12 2020

Mary Sinclair and Jess Daly presenting at the March 2020 meeting. on cyber Scruity
Jess Daly on CyberSecurity
Jess Daly presenting at our LWV Rogue Valley March Meeting 2020
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