Presentation by local members of:
Veterans for Peace
Allen Hallmark & Rhonda Loftis
Join us for the in-person
Thursday, December 8th 2022
Time 11:00 to 1:00 pm
Location: Elmer’s Restaurant
(2000 Biddle Rd, Medford, OR 97504) (541-772-2000)
Pass-the-Hat donations will be taken for this tax-deductible charity. *
Meals will be available from the menu.
RSVP by sending your NAME and number of attendees by December 6 to Judith Kurinsky at
*Veterans for Peace is a nonprofit educational & humanitarian organization that works to increase public awareness of the costs of war.
Additional Giving – Keeping with a Local League Tradition
We will be taking donations of SOCKS (kids, women, men) of all kinds later to
be donated in the League name. They will be collected at the December Giving
meeting. Help only in making donations with which you are comfortable