Feb 2023 Courier Newspaper Travis Moore, Publisher Interview Zoom

Thank you to  Travis Moore, publisher of the Grants Pass Daily Courier.

This is a link to the zoom, he answered questions, his video was not working so you only see his static picture.

The Courier plans to provide news service to Jackson County following the closure of the Mail Tribune last month.   He has worked for the Courier for 24 years.  We meet on Zoom Thursday, February 9 at Noon.  Mr. Moore can gave us 30 minutes of information.

Also this is a link to the interview by  JPR  –  Jefferson Exchange Geoffrey Riley of the publisher Travis Moore and editor Scott Stoddard of the Daily Courier from Grants Pass about their interest in the Journalism in the Rogue Valley.

here is a link to the Rogue Valley Tribune 20230211, starting Feb 11 2023 Rogue Valley Tribune Who are We introduction, including personnel and contact info,


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