How to Advocate National Issues- April 8, 2021

League & Important Issues – How YOU Can Take Part Nationwide

click here to view a video of the April 8 2021 LWVRV general meeting

Members of the League of Women Voters have always been interested to educate and advocate on important local, state and national issues. Based on positions that we develop through study, members with passions often lead the way or help others in following or advocating on issues. This month we will concentrate on a few select issues and show League involvement with them. Barbara Klein will explain how we use League positions for solid grounding for our Action.

Why we do studies and hold consensus meetings is to be accurate when we advocate. Barbara Klein will also give an overview of her current legislative work on electoral reform as a member of the LWVOR Action Team. Bill Walsh will provide a similar overview of his work on health care and Shirley Weathers will do the same for climate change. Kathleen Donham will talk about HR 1, currently a League priority in Congress, as well as give us a peek at a convenient tool for voters to track various levels of Oregon maps as redistricting discussions proceed. Please join us, and let us know if you too have a special passion, or major interest. There is a good deal of “Oral Tradition” in the League. By attending general meetings (or special meetings) you get more acquainted with the League process AND how you can advocate for an issue that is a priority or passion.. No matter how little – OR MUCH – you want to do, you’re welcomed here.

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