Jackson County Oregon Vote by Mail

On September 17 2020 the LWV Rogue Valley sponsored a Zoom call with the Jackson County Oregon County Clerk, Chris Walker, click here for the video in charge of elections.  She answered question and explained details of the Vote-by Mail processes for the coming November 2020 General Election.

check back for a video.

Ballots are mailed Oct 16 2020 to voters in Jackson, Josephine, and Klamath County.

Information from Jackson County Elections Office:

Voters need to know that they will continue to use their current residential address even if it has been destroyed in a fire or other disaster. It’s a simple process and has been used for years by Oregon County Clerks.

1. If the voter has a location where they are staying, the voter can update their mailing address only so their ballot will be mailed to that location by:

a. Going to www.oregonvotes.gov and click My Vote to update their mailing address. Link below: https://sos.oregon.gov/voting/Pages/myvote.aspx?lang=en

b. Acquiring a paper voter registration form. They are available at local offices: USPS, DMV, Libraries, City Halls, County Clerk’s offices or online at https://sos.oregon.gov/elections/Documents/SEL500.pdf

c. Asking a County Clerk or Election office to mail them a Voter Registration form.

2. A voter who is displaced and temporarily out of the area can request an absentee ballot with an Absentee Ballot Request form (SEL 111) https://sos.oregon.gov/elections/Documents/SEL111.pdf

3. If the voter moves after updating mailing address, they can update the mailing address once again and often as needed.

4. Be aware, Clerk’s cannot mail ballots to voters after Thursday, October 30th. The voter would need to go to any County Clerk’s office to update their mailing address and receive a ballot.

5 Voters who have no address can have their ballot sent to the County Clerks office on West Main St Medford Oregon 97501. The voter then can go to the Elections Office and in a booth vote their ballot.

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