League Of Women Voters of the Rogue Valley (LWVRV) program planning meeting will begin at noon on January 14, 2016. Brown Bag lunch at 11:30
The purpose of this exercise is to set our education and advocacy priorities for the year it is setting our program for 2016. We’ll discuss priorities for Rogue Valley and Oregon Leagues. Come join us at the OEA Building, 2495 S. Pacific Hwy Medford (across from Harry & David and Grange – CoOp).
Annual Program Planning meetings in every League give members the opportunity to bring their ideas and discuss them with League colleagues.
Is there a policy area where you think the League should be active but we have never studied it? Or perhaps our position is out-of-date. What local or state issues do you think we should study? If you feel strongly about an issue, spend some time preparing a brief and persuasive proposal.
The League adopts positions to match each level of government – National, State, and Local. We will be deciding, for each existing position for each level if the position should be:
- Retain: keep position as is; no change;
- Drop: to remove the position completely from out list. All further advocacy will be discontinued. It may not be incorporated into the program without a new study.
- Update: to study the position topic for informational purposes only, with no intention to update the position, only to update the knowledge of members.
- Restudy: to undertake a review of the position in order to potentially change it.
Educate yourself regarding the Positions by following the links below:
National: http://lwv.org/content/public-policy-positions
State: http://www.lwvor.org
Local: https://lwvrv.org/?page_id=33
Please print out the following documents and bring them to the meeting on the 14th: