Nov 21 2015 – Constitutional Amendment Study

Position Update by US LWV. 2016 Feb
U.S. Constitutional Amendment Position 

In November 2016 our League participated in a study and update of the position on the advisability of amending the US constitution.

These two positions have now been published,
Constitutional Amendment
Constitutional Convention Position

 U.S. Constitutional Amendment Study

to ‘study the process of amending of the U.S. Constitution.

LWV members are urged to attend a conversation and study group on November 21st
to discuss the national study topic of
Amending the US Constitution.


Most League members report that one of the reasons that they remain involved with the work of the LWV is because of our studies. We don’t want to miss this one.

Leading the discussions and facilitating consensus will be Barbara Klein. This meeting will be both discussion and decision on consensus since the response from our League is due December 1, 2015. Our answers to the consensus questions will be sent to LWVUS and combined with those from other local Leagues in the nation. Based on those responses, a national League position statement will likely be written, on which all local Leagues can then base action/advocacy.

To give all members a chance to read the background work on this study, and review the consensus questions, we are posting notice to allow several weeks to prepare.

We will have the consensus meeting on Saturday, November 21, 2015 at 3:00-5:00 pm at the home of Olena Black in Ashland Oregon.

Directions available when you RSVP

Our answers to the consensus questions will be sent to LWVUS by December 1 and combined with those from all the other local Leagues in the nation. Based on those answers, a national League position statement will be written, on which all local Leagues can then base action/advocacy.

Links to Study Questions and background from which you can choose to prepare yourself are here .

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