Pesticides and BioCides Consensus Question 2021 Oct 25

 BioCides Consunsus Questions. pdf

On October 25th @ 11:30, via Zoom, Lwv Rogue Valley Members discussed the consensus questions and the Notes are consolidate to be transferred to the Oregon LWV BioCides Study Team.  The study team will consolidate the answers and then start the process of creating the Policy. Once the Policy draft is completed the policy will be adopted by the delegates at the next Oregon LWV convention.

Pesticides and Biocides Study

* You can watch the October meeting that was recorded to October 11th @11:30 via Zoom.

The LWV Oregon’s Pesticides and Biocides Study Report was completed in Spring of 2021.  In order to make our  consensus a richer experience for all, please read the study at the Report 2021 BioCides Pesticides Study LWVOR    Watch the YouTube video on-line produced by the  Portland League and available at Pesticides: Balancing Benefits and Risks – YouTube.  The October 11th General Meeting moderated by Kathleen Donham our resident entomologist, was a  review of information as it relates to the Consensus Questions.   All these resources can be referenced by visiting and going to the “Programs” file for studies.

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