2023 Feb 24 Ranked Choice Voting

Ranked Choice Voting Explored by LWVRV

Date: Friday, February 24th 2023 Time: 1:30 – 3:00 pm Location: Ashland Library, Guanajuato Room

Join League members to discuss the issue of Ranked Choice Voting in the Rogue Valley. Now is your time to be part of a movement. During this 1st meeting, plans of future meetings and possible other locations will be decided by the group. According to LWVOR study reports, Rank Choice Voting is one of the best methods for leading to more reflective outcomes and improving elected representation. It also has proven success having been used or adopted in over 60 jurisdictions across the U.S., including four in our own state.

LWV Oregon Endorses HB 2004

Background and Information on Ranked Choice Voting Bill
And ACTION for LWV Rogue Valley

Oregon state position on election methods from 2017:

The League of Women Voters of Oregon recognizes that election methods affect how voters participate in our democracy, who can run for office, and who can get elected. Therefore, the League supports election methods that:
Encourage voter participation and voter engagement.
Encourage participation of those with minority opinions to participate.
Are easy to use.
Are verifiable and auditable.
Promote access to voting.
Promote competitive elections.
Promote sincere voting over strategic voting.
Discourage negative campaigning.
Prevent political manipulation (e.g. Gerrymandering).
Are compatible with votebymail elections

(References: Governance January 2021 The League of Women Voters® of Oregon, page 35 and page 34 for position related to voteby mail.)

With this position in mind, the League of Women Voters Oregon (LWVOR) recently endorsed Oregon House Bill 2004 which establishes Rank Choice Voting (RCV) elections for all statewide and federal offices, for both primary and general elections with three or more candidates. It also provides a local option for cities and counties to use RCV elections and helps to ensure standardized  implementation for county clerks.

To learn more about Rank Choice Voting and HB 2004 visit here..

Host: Barbara Klein. Contact her at action@lwvroguevalley.org

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