It is important for the public and our members to understand HOW the League determines what issues it can take a stance on. The LWV must have an official “position” to take action (a position established at either the national, state or local levels). These “positions” are developed after study (generally 2 years each) as well as consensus meetings regarding the developed materials. When such “positions” (of which we have many) are adopted then, and only then, may the LWV members take action in the name of the League. Action is taken up by the Advocacy arm of the League, versus the Educational arm which oversees voter services of all types. Whether Action or Education, the work is party neutral and does not support/oppose a party or a candidate running for office.
This page contains specific items for which the League of Women Voters of Rogue Valley took action, held event on action items, or is sharing information directly related to action areas for the LWVRV.
The LWVRV currently has 4 areas followed by a coordinator, but is open to other issues a member may wish to follow. Additionally, all members are welcome to contact the coordinator to be part of their efforts. Our current coverage:
Issue | Coordinator | Contact info |
Action Chair | Barbara Klein | |
Climate Change (CC) | Shirley Weathers | |
Governance (G) | Barbara Klein | |
Health Care (HC) | Bill Walsh | |
(CC) 2019 9 20. LWVRV Climate Change coordinator co-wrote and delivered a comment report to the Coastal Zone Management Program on behalf of 4 local leagues in southern Oregon (LWV Rogue Valley, LWV of Coos County, LWV of Umpqua Valley and LWV Klamath County.
(CC) 2019 09 20. Leaguers across the Rogue Valley take part in the LWVUS sanctioned ‘Climate Strike’.
(CC) 2019 07 04. The League of Women Voters of Rogue Valley (LWVRV) joined the LWVs of Coos County (LWVCC), of Umpqua Valley (LWVUV), and of Klamath County (LWVKC) in submitting to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission a technical comment on Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the Jordan Cove LNG and Pacific Connector Pipeline Projects (collectively Jordan Cove Energy Project or JCEP).
(G) 2019 June 29. LWVRV celebrates National Week of Action for Ranked Choice Voting.

(G) 2019 – June 21-22. National Popular Vote Interstate Compact. Barbara Klein represented the LWVRV at San Francisco meeting of Institute for Research on Presidential Elections. LWVRV and LWVOR support the National Popular Vote plan signed into law in Oregon on June 13th 2019.
(HC) 2019 Legislative Session RV League members lobbied hard in conjunction with other LLs and the LWVOR Action Team for the passage of Senate Bill 770, Health Care for All Oregon Bill. It passed the very last day of the session “under suspension of the rules.” We will closely monitor discussions of a Medicaid Buy-In, a public option, supposed to yield a recommendation in May 2020, as well as the activities of the Universal Health Care Task Force, with results due in time for the 2021 Legislature. We also worked with the LWVOR Action Team and other allies to pass HB 2623, Moratorium on Fracking for Oil and Gas Development. The bill passed with an amendment reducing the time period from 10 to five years.
(HC) 2019 05 18 LWVRV spearheaded an effort to effect passage at the 2019 State LWV Convention of a resolution reaffirming support for legislation that would provide universal access to health care for all state residents. It passed unanimously.
(A) 2019. 01.19. LWVRV takes part in national Women’s March in Medford Oregon.

(CC) 2018 02 03. The LWVRV joined the LWVCC, LWVUV, and LWVKC in submitting to the Oregon Department of State Lands (DSL) a technical comment on JCEP’s application for a Removal-Fill permit required to construct the proposed liquefied natural gas (LNG) facility, storage tanks, and export terminal and 36” 229-mile buried natural gas pipeline and compressor station. 4LL DSL R-F Comments FINAL.pdf
(CC) 2018 08 20. The LWVRV joined the LWVCC, LWVUV, and LWVKC in submitting to the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) a supplemental technical comment primarily focusing on JCEP’s application for a Section 401 Water Quality Permit required to construct and operate the proposed LNG export facility and pipeline.
(CC) 2018 07 20. The LWVRV joined the LWVCC, LWVUV, and LWVKC in submitting to the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) a technical comment on JCEP’s applications for Section 404, 408, and 401 permits required to construct and operate the proposed LNG export facility and pipeline.
(CC) 2017 06 29. The LWVRV submitted to FERC both public testimony and a Scoping letter regarding the new application for an LNG pipeline from Merlin to Coos Bay submitted by the JCEP.
(CC) 2017 06 12. The LWVRV sent a letter to Governor Brown to request that she intervene with FERC to require a Scoping hearing on the JCEP in Jackson County. FERC deliberately skipped Jackson County in scheduling hearings, holding them in only three of the four counties that would be affected by the proposed project–Coos, Douglas, and Klamath Counties. LWVRV to Gov Brown re FERC scoping
(HC) 2017 12 14 The LWVRV presented a public event at the Medford Public Library entitled “Yes for Health Care” to facilitate understanding of Ballot Measure 101. Peter Buckley, Senator Alan DeBoer, Lisa Callahan, and Dr. David Gilmour spoke in support of passage of Measure 101, stressing the critical need to project the Oregon Medicaid program.

(HC) 2017 11 09 The LWVRV presented “Healthcare Forum: Universal Coverage – How Do We Get There?” The event, held at Medford RCC/SOU, featured a video, Health Care – We Can Fix it produced by Physicians for a National Health Program. Dr. Julian Bell, Providence Pulmonologist, and Lauri Hoagland, Family Nurse Practitioner at La Clínica, shared their views and answered audience questions.

(G) 2016 01 21 …Money In Politics. The league took part in a Rally in Ashland, held by OSPRIG (Oregon State Public Interest Group) regarding Money In Politics. Our League completed a study and a consensus on this issue in November 2015, Thanks to OSPRIG for an excellent presentation on the research they did.
Background for action: “The LWVUS believes that the methods of financing political campaigns should ensure the public’s right to know, combat corruption and undue influence, enable candidates to compete more equitably for public office and allow maximum citizen participation in the political process. The LWVRV supports financial campaign reform to ensure the voter that the person elected is working for us and not for those who finance their campaign. So many people feel frustrated by not knowing who to turn to when they have issues about government. This rally provided for public input on an issue hoped to be heard by elected officials.
(CC) 2016 01 08 The LWVRV sent a letter to the Department of State Lands in opposition to JCEP’s application for a Removal-Fill permits to excavate lands for the Pacific Connector Gas Pipeline. Attachment: PHMSA-Report_to_Congress_Water_Crossings_Study.
(CC) 2015 03 10 The LWVRV submitted a comment letter (DEQ Letter) to the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) regarding the Pacific Connector Gas Pipeline application for a Section 401 Water Quality Permit.
(CC) 2015 02 24 The LWVRV submitted DIES-FERC-20150213 Letter2- opposing on the basis of our local league position on Forest Resources the cutting of a right-of-way across forest lands and the Pacific Connector Pipeline. The Pipeline would remove Oregon and California Railway lands (O&C) from production. In DEIS-FERC – Letter1- we stated that mitigation cannot be used to replace Forest degradation.
(G) 2014 12 The LWVRV met with Jackson County Commissioners regarding transparency in Planning Proposals. A 20141208LetterToPlaningCommissionREPublicNotice to the Jackson County Planning Commission commented on new developments with Executive Order 12-07 Southern Oregon Regional Pilot Project proposals for substantive changes in land use designation.