The Affordable Care Act: What’s In It for You – November 2013

The Affordable Care Act is being implemented.

November 12th, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Doors open 11:30 Presentation at 12: 00 noon,
Stop by for Pizza

Affordable Care Act And You L W V Rouge Valley is partnering with Cover Oregon and
other informational groups to sort out the facts on how the Affordable Care Act is going to work for Oregonians.
The emphasis at this meeting will be student information although there will be experts for anyone who has questions. Care Oregon navigators United Community Action Network are presenting how Oregonians can and are enrolling in a health insurance plan that works for them. Experts will be available for any one who has questions.

Location:  RCC-SOU Higher Education Center, Rm 129B
101 S. Bartlett Street, Medford Or

The Affordable Care Act: What’s In It for You

League of Women voters Rogue Valley November 2013 Member Meeting

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